Thursday, May 9, 2013

Creating Stereoscopic 3D Images

Hoping I did some of these right. I did these with the magenta and green 3D glasses.

My room (Depth)

 A picture of me

 A place on campus that is recognizable 


Bonus 3D Maya Scene from 129b

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Recreating Cameras and Lights in Maya

The assignment was to reproduce/ recreate this object in Maya. My renderings are okay. It was really hard trying to get that penumbra angle lighting. I was trying to figure it out in the attribute editor, but nothing was working.

Real photo:

My images in Maya:

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Building a Scene in Maya

Basic Maya Light:

Extra Credit:
One point lighting:

Two Point Lighting:

 Three Point Lighting.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Outline for the Second Term Paper

When we watch movies, we usually are caught up in the moment or action of the scenes that we tend to not notice things that may or may not be able to happen.
A.   Action and Reaction  
1.     For every action force, there is an equal reaction force in the opposite direction.
B.    Movies that break this law:
1.     Iron Man at (1:45:47) 
2.     Transformers (1:50:40)
3.     The Incredibles  (00:37:40-00:00:38:00)
A.   Iron Man 2008
1.     Near the end at 1:45:47, Iron man was able to catch a car with a family inside that was about 10-15ft in the air because the villain drops it. He caught the car when he was on ground with little reaction or recoil from the weight of the car. Even when his suit was around 17% capacity.
2.     What is wrong with the scene is that a car weighs about a ton or two, add a few hundred pounds with the people inside. The car does not fall at terminal velocity of course because it falls a short distance, but the weight of it and Iron Man catching the car should have had a bigger reaction. The timing seems fine, bit the recoil or overshoot was stiff. The reaction is the force it took to catch the car. Gravity of car pushes down, iron man does not have enough recoil to show his resistance/ force upon the car.
B.    Transformers 2007
1.     Around or start of 1:50:40, the scorpion type robot’s jumps while rollerblading towards Optimus Prime on the highway. The force of the jump and tackle has them falling off the bridge highway ramp.
2.     The opponent scorpion robot’s takeoff of the jump did not seem to have enough force to take down Optimus. It did not bend its knees enough to generate enough force. The machine was also on wheels so I do not know if that reduces the friction of moving forward on wheels and the ground.
3.     Also when they fall down to the lower level of the ramps, the impact should have caved in the roadway since they would both seem to weigh more than an average car and that there are two of them.
C.    The Incredibles 2003
1.     Mr. Incredible hits the giant robot maybe about 30ft or so and robot hits tree, but tree does not break from impact.
2.     Robot this time smacks/ hits Mr. Incredible into (what appears to be) a bigger tree yet the tree breaks from impact.
3.     Breaks action and reaction because of weight of the bigger object’s force did not react the breaking of its tree. Tree should have broke from the impact of the force. The air time of the robot may have been slow but the mass of the object should have at least knocked the tree down if not break it than Mr. Incredible breaking his tree on impact.
CG or animation, sometimes rules have to be broken to make characters seem believable.  

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Stop-Motion Character Animation

    Well this was fun! In it's own way. I planned on doing a simple walk with clay characters but it was taking too long to make and it started to get messy. So I just used my older brother's Beast War toys again. I did plan on just using one character, but for some really odd reason, my mind went all crazy and wanted to add more characters to the story. I planned out a battle scene in the backyard cabana's pool table room. it was actually hard moving the rat characters because the joints were so loose that the it could not stand up. I had to either use my hand or tape to make it stand up. It was also hard moving the camera around.